Thursday, March 13, 2014
Testosterone Cypionate is effective if taken at 200mg - 1000mg per week.
Testosterone Cypionate is effective if taken at 200mg - 1000mg per week.
One can cycle it for 10 weeks to see great bodybuilding rewards.
Testosterone cypionate is another ester of testosterone, but more
exotic. Most popular the drug got in the U.S.. American athletes liked
it more than Enanthate. Cypionate differs from the latter with less
accumulation of fluid, smoother and more prolonged action. The drug
remains in the blood up to 3-4 weeks after injection. Cypionate are very
well combined with anabolic steroids such as Nandrolone decanoate,
Stanozolol, Methandienone. Testorenon cypionate provides a significant
increase in strength and a significant increase in muscle mass.
Athletes, Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting and bodybuilders are very
fond of this substance. Possible side effects are similar to other
testosterone esters: inhibition of development of one's own hormone,
swelling, blood pressure, acne.